Welcome to SAS - Snowbird Appreciation Society of South Florida.  SAS is a division of Luxury Chamber of Commerce which was created to honor our snowbird members with a chance to reap the same membership benefits as full Luxury Chamber memberships yet without having to pay for a full year.  With our Snowbird Appreciation Program you can join and partake in our luxury events, have your logo listed in the member directory yet only pay for the portion of the membership which you use.  Our snowbird season runs from November - April and you have the option of paying for either a three month trial period or the full seasonal membership.
Q.) What benefits will I receive with my Luxury Chamber Snowbird Membership?
A.) The same benefits as all full fledged yearly members.  Member logo in the directory, complimentary admission to our events, our referral network, business and social consulting and much more.
Q.) Where are you events held?
A.) All over South Florida and especially in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, and Aventura.  We host our events at four and 5-star restaurants, golf clubs, marinas and member luxury businesses.
Q.) Who can I contact with any questions?
A.) Jay Shapiro at: 561-376-0033  or email: jshapiro@luxurychamber.com

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