Executive, EB5 Investor or Potential Retiree Interested in moving to Florida? Allow us to help. Luxury Chamber of Commerce is a for-profit entity not connected with any government agency and we value your privacy and desire to work with business people who will help you to save on taxes and red tape with respect to your real estate, accounting, yachting and other transactions.
Welcome to - we are newly launched as of 8/20/2018. Powered by Luxury Chamber we are a complimentary referral service welcoming executives, new millionaires and retirees who desire to move to Florida for tax benefits and of course the luxurious lifestyle that our state is known to provide. We currently serve the 7 most popular counties in Florida which include the Metro areas of Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Naples, Fort Myers and Orlando. Our local relocation specialists all have over 10 years of experience and they know the players and the movers and shakers in the business world and underground economy in their local area. Seeking a house? A yacht or boat club? Tickets to the opera? A local divorce attorney? A plastic surgeon? A CPA who can save you money on taxes? Let us help!
Luxury Chamber Media Group
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South Florida Magazine Luxury Chamber of Commerce Mondo Italiano Magazine